The Council

What We Do and Don't Do

Sandford Parish Council is an authority within the Mid Devon District Council area which itself is within Devon County Council.

Devon County Council (Tel: 01392 38200) in Exeter is responsible for services across the whole of the county, like education, transport, planning, fire and public safety, social care, libraries, waste management and trading standards.

Mid Devon District Council (Tel: 01884 255255) in Tiverton, covers the local area and is responsible for services like rubbish collection and recycling, council tax collection, leisure services, planning and housing.


As a third tier authority, Sandford Parish Council has limited powers and responsibilities.

However, we list below some of the things we are involved in:

  • Sandford King Georges playing field and children's play area.
  • Also the play area at Creedy View.
  • The car park at Creedy View
  • Creation and maintenance of footpaths and bridleways
  • Bus shelter
  • Grit bins

Additionally, we are consultees on planning applications within our boundary but decisions on planning rests with Mid Devon District Council at Tiverton.

With regard to what we don’t do, we will tell you when you contact us with a problem! However, if the problem is not a Parish Council responsibility, we will always take it to the appropriate section and follow it up for you.